Influx Insights
Annual Conference
Influx explores the intersection of brands and the social, consumer and cultural forces that influence them. Influx is a source for brand definition,  transformation and growth. After delving into the core of Influx, the re-occurring theme was a relentless to visit and define culture as it exists in brands. A honeybee was a metaphor that resonated and explained this process. I explored photographic styles and data styled concepts, but landed on a graphic solution that was modular.
Branding/ Package Design/ Brand Guidelines

Influx Brand Logo

I designed a new logo for Influx Conference each year (4) based on a theme, until Ed Cotton asked to make a single brand logo that would span time and encompass the spirit of Brand research. The idea here is a pollinator of ideas within Brands. This is the final logo after exhausting all the concepts we could conjure.
Project Detail:
Primary Logos

Influx Mobile Site

I developed the brand palette first which was loosely based on the original cold and warm/ blue and orange. It was tweaked all along the process until everyone involved felt it was working well. The product flavor identifiers were based product line elements that related back to the flavors.

Influx Brand Application

There were many different applications for banner ads, apps and even print elements that needed specific logo treatments. I created a system of logos and logo icons that were formatted both for vector and pixel based applications. Business card examples are shown here.

Influx Event Brand Site

This was the first Influx Insight Conference I branded. Back when this was started I made a new logo and brand style for each year and a new website. This year's theme was 'Makers'. I kind of went retro and steam punk. I photographed watches, guitar amps, old analog electrics and old letterpress & woodcut type. Efficiency and logic eventually prevailed, so finally there in now just one overall brand and site. The sub style for themes work even better now. Also included here are emailers and banner ad assets.

Drink Brand Labels

It was important that the entire product line have identifiable elements across flavors as well as drink style and potency. Illustration was used to create drink divisions. H2O Life, Soda, Mocktail, Sparkling H2O, and Energy Drink.

Product Line Brand Application

This is the brand design applied across the entire line of Keef products.