Marin County Bicycle Coalition Re-Brand
I designed this project while working at BSSP with Neal Zimmermann. BSSP took this project on as a ProBono project, so I designed most of it in the free time between paying clients. We went through many iterations of concepts and styles that centered around cycling in general. This final version used elements of Marin a combined with cycling. As a cyclist in Marin a few things resonated with me as I reflected on rides. One being the beautiful outdoors along coastlines and mountains. So The logo was built with bicycle elements; Seat, roads bars/ mountain bars and together they created a deer.

Branding/ Web Design/ Brand implementation

MCBC Brand Guidelines

Initial brand guideline and usage pages for the Marin County Bicycle Coalition

MCBC Website

There were four topics; Road Cycling/ Mountain Biking/ Recreational Cycling/ Commuter Cycling, that I aggregated into sections that populated the pages with relative information. An 'ALL' section that was the default arranged in a hierarchical fashion of importance. an animated sequence flashed each section upon loading. Five lower panels rose as the cursor passed below a 600 breakpoint on desktop. Scrolling down removed the sponsor panel.